‘Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to the yoke of slavery.’ Galatians 5:1

I collect T-shirts. Whether it be from my college or a verse from the Bible, I love shirts that capture my attention. My current favorite one says, ‘Raised on Sweet Tea and Jesus!’ So it’s not unusual to see me wearing my favorite Jane Austin quote or an expression of my faith as I run around town.

I also notice other people’s shirts. In many ways, those graphic art designs and homey sayings tell a great deal about the person and where their heart lies. It’s one of the reasons I stopped a lady going into Walmart while on vacation last summer. Her T-shirt demanded my attention.

It said, ‘Jesus is My Favorite Women’s Libber.’

What a profound statement! One that a number of women might not agree with, but as women of faith, we need to look no further than Proverbs 31:10-31. The woman described in those verses is a thoroughly modern woman, balancing her family and home life (verses 13-15) while also holding down a job (verse 24.) She owns property (verse 16) and uses this money to invest in her own business. Even with all her responsibilities, she doesn’t forget her community, reaching out to the poor and those in need (verse 20.) People speak well of her and her husband (verse 23.) Her husband and children never worry about going hungry or being cold (verses 14-15; 21.) They respect her and know how blessed they are to have her in their lives (verses 28-29.)

But most importantly, this very busy, very modern woman is wise enough to understand where her true freedom lies–with her Lord. ‘Charm is deceptive and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.

Christ died to give us eternal freedom from sin. He reconciled us to our Heavenly Father who gives us purpose in our lives. When this Bible-thumping, women’s libber marches, I want to be walking beside my Jesus, the only One who truly librates my soul!