It’s been a while since I’ve written to you but I wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten my promise to tell you about my life, from when I was a child until now.

So what should I share with you today? Would you like to know how I met your Pop Pop?

It was the first of November, 1981, around the time daylight savings time ended. Just turned twenty, and I was working full-time and going to college at night. I’d had a serious boyfriend up until February, but I realized we had two very different ideas of what our life would look like so I broke it off. Since then, I’d been on dates but nothing special. I was just enjoying the moment I was in, hanging out with friends and saving my money so I could go to school full-time.

I was very involved with our church–Mt. Zion Baptist (it’s just up the road from your great grandparents’ house.) We had a Sunday school class for college students and young professionals that I attended. On the day of the time change, a friend (Cindy) and I were running late so by the time we got there, all the seats were taken. When our teacher (Terry) pointed it out, a young man I didn’t know rose and offered us his seat. He was tall and thin, with dark auburn hair and a ruddy complexion. Two things stood out to me about him–he was the only boy in the class to wear a three-piece suit and the only one to offer us his seat. I decided then and there I wanted to get to know him better.

What I didn’t know is your pop pop had decided he needed a wife and what better place to find one was in church! So the Saturday night before, he drove around the area and found our church, then went home and set his alarm clock. The only problem was is that he forgot about the time change that night so instead of showing up for preaching like he’d planned, he got there in time for Sunday school.

We didn’t talk much during the first six months he was there. A friendly conversation here or there, but nothing much. Then I told a friend in confidence that I’d like to date someone like Danny Hall and she told him! Your pop pop called me up and asked me out on a date! And before that first date was over, I knew I was going to marry him! He was perfect for me!

I love you to the moon and stars and planets!
